Butterfly Fun - Tulip Style
On a recent walk to Wal-Mart, yes.. I live in walking distance of a Wal-Mart... I found a pretty pink dress for $5.00. I just could not pass it up for that price.
The two butterflies were already on the dress, but the dress clearly needed more. That's when I pulled out Tulip's Beads in a Bottle, Gems, and 3-D Diamond Fabric Paint and added beads and glitter to the butterflies and around the top of the dress.
In less than ten minutes, the dress went from pretty to pretty outstanding. Now, it shimmers with the fabric paint glitter and Beads in a Bottle "pearls".
I'm always altering items, personalizing them to fit my needs. Are you that type of crafter too? I would love to hear your story. Add it in the Comments area of this post.