Arts and Crafts - Roll On!
After my meeting with another company at CHA, I receive a phone call from Paul asking me to meet him at the Purple Cows booth. The owners wanted to meet me. “Purple Cows?” I asked. I wanted to make sure I heard the name correctly.
I was thrilled to meet Paula at the booth and she gave me a tour of their great products. They really are Craft Geeks, like the package says. They take ordinary art and craft tools and give them a whole new twist.
Paula sent me home with many of her products to try. The first one that I removed from the package was their Roll It rubber stamping tool. (Yes, if you take a look at the package in the photo, you will see that it is opened. I wanted to show you the whole package, so I placed the tool back in the container)
I loved how the roller stamped the images in a straight line. You can run a line along the edge of cardstock and will get a nice pattern. I also tried it on a square piece of paper and going over and over the square with the roller. It produced a marble type colored image. Now, it doesn’t look like marbling, but rather gives you that darker and lighter image which will be great for backgrounds.
Tomorrow: Fun product just in time for spring!
Please visit my friend and fellow Professional Designer, Vickie O'Dell on her blog for her I Love My Flip-Pal™ Mobile Scanner. Vicki is a great designer, so make sure to visit her blog and join in the giveaway!