Setting Goals In Your Craft Life

You might be surprised to learn that my favorite magazine is Inc. Well, my favorite magazine for which I don’t write.   Inc. is the only magazine I read from cover to cover.  I pour over each and every page learning tips on how to grow my Professional-Craft Designer business.

The March issue arrived in my mailbox and I have started my monthly ritual of studying each and every page.  One page caught my attention immediately.  It’s a one page article entitled, Launch.  The article feature’s the entrepreneur's photo, a quote from the entrepreneur, gives a short bio, and explains the reasoning behind the quote. 

This month, Maggie Fox of Social Media Group is giving her viewpoint.  She talks about scheduling priorities for your company.  Anymore than three, in her viewpoint, means “you have no priorities.”

The article states that Maggie Fox also applies this same rule to her daily schedule. Well, I wanted to give her theory a try.  So, today I have set three goals for myself. 

My first goal was to mail my artwork to a client.  That entailed creating an origami box for the artwork, finding the right size box to ship the work, and to head off to FedEx to ship the work.  First goal completed.

My next goal was to review materials and follow up on emails for tomorrow’s conference call.  Second goal completed.

My third goal was to write this blog post about setting goals.  Not quite completed just yet. But, for this purpose, we’ll say it’s completed.

So, I was able to accomplish all I set out to do before lunch.  Now, I do have other things I must accomplish today.  But, setting those goals gave me a sense of accomplishment — a sense of freedom too.  I also think I was better focused because I did say to myself, I want to accomplish these three tasks today.  They were the tasks that took priority over others. 

Now, let me ask you.  How can you apply this to your craft life? You don’t have to set three goals, you can set one or two.  So, what craft goal (or goals) do you want to set for tomorrow?  Do you want to spend a half hour coloring a stamped card?  How about trying one of the many projects you see on my blog?  It can be as simple as doing a search for “spring crafts” on Google. 

(Goal three  -  completed)

Here’s my challenge to you.  Set a daily craft goal for the next three days.  You can have one goal a day, two goals a day, or three goals a day.  

Set your goals and try this for the next three days.  Let us know what you did and how you felt about achieving the goals. 

Will you continue setting goals?  Why or why not?  Let us know by entering a comment below this post.   Happy crafting!
Monday: Designer Connections Blog Hop - It's SPRING!  Which Designers are having giveaways? You have to come back Monday to find out!

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